6ix 9ine Says Nicki Minaj Is Not Responsible For “TROLLZ” Charting At #1

6ix 9ine Says Nicki Minaj Is Not Responsible For “TROLLZ” Charting At #1. It seems that even after Nicki Minaj stood up for him, 6ix 9ine is still being some type of way and he is totally discrediting her for the success of their collaborative song “TROLLZ”.
During a recent interview Taekashi 6ix 9ine with Billboard, the interviewer asked him that he had the assistance from Nicki Minaj on his hit “TROLLZ”.The rapper then disregard and did not give the female rapper her well deserving credit in pushing the song to be ahit.
6ix 9ine said “When has Nicki ever had a No.1 till this date”. He then added saying that he considers her as a sister and that he loves her to death. The rapper had significantly been seen to discredit her and make it seem that he is not in any way responsible for the song charting at #! on the Billboard 100.
The rainbow haired rapper is now stirring more controversies. It comes to a surprise that he is not well crediting one of the artist that have supported him and defended him during the times when he is under fire. 6ix’s loyalty seems to be questionable as the’Pink Friday’rapper has been fully loyal to him regardless of his scandalous ways.
The ‘Tattle Tales”rapper in the interview made it clear that the song “TROLLZ” was his and in now way is he sharing the success and credit with his collaborator Nicki Minaj. It seems that Nicki should re-look her loyalty towards 6ix and she is still to respond after she has well contributed to the song.