6ix 9ine Says “I’m Surprised I Didn’t Die Yet”

6ix 9ine Says “I’m Surprised I Didn’t Die Yet”. The ‘Gooba’ rapper has been living on the edge after he assisted in taking down the Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods in the federal court. He said that he is surprised that he is still alive and not dead yet when being questioned about how free he will be after house arrest.
6ix 9ine is two weeks away from being off house arrest. On Saturday the 11th of July a question was posed on Instagram asking if whether the rapper will running the streets or if he will move to another country and hide out after he is released off house arrest. The rapper responded saying that he is surprised that he is not dead yet. he added on saying ” It’s not bad being dead the way ya support the artist after the die #fakelove”.
He also previously shared that he would be running the streets if he had not been on house arrest. His lawyer made it clear that he had a concern of 6ix being a target for gang members after he gets out of police monitoring. His lawyer said that many people will condemn him because he cooperated with the government, and that young gang members would try something such as going after 6ix.
The rainbow haired rapper was meant to serve a prison sentence of over 40 years. but he was able to skate it off after working with the federal government. The rapper went back home after serving only a 16 month sentence. After his house arrest ankle monitor is removed he will be supervised for 5 more years and will need permission to leave certain districts in New York. The rapper’s lawyers stated that he will focus on his music and stay out of trouble after his house arrest.