Eminem’s Home Invader Allegedly Shares That That He Was There To Kill The Rapper

Eminem’s Home Invader Allegedly Shares That That He Was There To Kill The Rapper. During a recent court proceeding more details have come about on the home invasion that took place at Eminem’s home earlier this year. An official has shared that rapper was targeted and he would have been killed by the man that invaded his home.
A police officer by the name Adam Hackstock testified on Wednesday the 9th of September during a preliminary examination of the Matthew David Hughes, who is the man who invaded Eminem’s Michigan home in April. The police officer had been the one who responded to the home invasion that took place, he shared that the intruder told the rapper that he intended on killing him.
On April 2020 the 47 year old rapper was woke up and found a man standing behind him. The rapper had thought that Hughes was his nephew, bit is was later revealed he was not.. Not much contact had took place between the rapper and the intruder. the interaction between the two during the invasion had been odd as Eminem had led him out his home.
A security guard had arrived and pinned down Hughes and he had been unarmed. He had been around the property for a while and then he entered the rappers home through the window after shattering it with a brick. The intruder had been taken into custody by the officer who later arrived and he has been in custody for about 4 months now.
Hughes was charged with first degree home invasion and malicious destruction of property. he had his first appearance on court this past Wednesday and his arraignment is set to take place on the 28th of September.