Kanye West Compares His Life To The Movie ‘Get Out’

Kanye West Compares His Life To The Movie ‘Get Out’. Kanye took to Twitter to share that his wife was worried about him after he broke down and cried at his presidential rally campaign. Kim then insisted in getting him a doctor and having him locked up. The rapper took the situation and ended up comparing his life to the movie ‘Get Out”
Kanye West went on Twitter on Monday the 21st of July 2020. The tweets had been later deleted. He had been sharing that Kim had been trying to get him locked up and hospitalized. He compared it to the movie Get Out.
In the film ‘Get Out’ a white family lures in black people and locks them up in their house and use them to surgically take their parts which they wish to have, the film is horrific and somehow showcases racial slurs. Kanye tweetd “Everybody knows the movie get out is about me.”, being that the white family he is married into is trying to lock him up.
Both Kim and his mother in law Kris Jenner wanted to admit him to a mental institution because he has an histeric episode od crying during his rally. As the rapper has had many issues of bipolar, when such incidents take place his family becomes very worried and want him to get medical and proffesional assissistance.
The rapper tweeted “Kim was trying to fly to Wyoming with a doctor to lock me up like on the movie Get Out because I cried about saving my daughters life yesterday.” The rapper comparing the situation to the movie Get Out made it seem extreme and very cringe.
Kim and Kanye have been having issues since Kanye decide to run for president. It has been reporetd that Kim might have also threatened t divorce him, if he does not step out of his run for president. Many people are worried at the rate the rapper is going and he is raising a lot of concerns especially after his rally and his tweets.