Black Chyna Walks Out During An Interview After Being Asked About Soulja Boy

Black Chyna Walks Out During An Interview After Being Asked About Soulja Boy. Blac Chyna stormed out of an interview after she was asked about Soulja Boy. The female vixen rapper seemed to be feeling the heat as many questions had been asked during interview with a podcaster, the interview did no go as planned as she decided to walk out and leave.
Black Chyna was recorded walking out of a podcast show interview with Adam22. The female rapper left the interview as she explained to the host that he was being “weird”. The recent interview took place the last few days and it seems that it did not go as planned since the “Seen her” rapper decided to walk out after being asked by her ex-boyfriend rapper Soulja Boy. The question by Soulja Boy might have made Chyna feel uncomfortable and she did not want to talk about it.
During the 18 minute interview Adam asked Chyna many questions, he then went on to asked her about Soulja Boy, who supposedly had a relationship her a few years ago. He asked “Have you spoken to Soulja Boy recently?”, Chyna then responded saying “No, You”. he then responded saying he also hasn’t spoken to him too. He then went on to asked if they had a “thing” and if she considered on doing some music with him.
Chyna then decided to say she is out,and explained that she’s leaving. She said that Adam was being weird, the host explained that he is asking things that people want to hear about but Chyna just went on to say “I’m Out” then she waked out the interview. It seems that Adam had been trying to get in the Soulja Boy questions and he was disappointed on how the interview went.
Adam 22 has a goo reputation of delivering some of the best interviews in the hip hop world. It seems that he has now ended up being in instances where he has “rubbed some people the wrong way”. Adam has hosted many No Jumper interviews at his BMX store and he has interviewed a number of rappers that have shared a lot of interesting insights while being interviewed by him. Many commented that Blac Chyna seemed as if she did not want to be at the interview and the host kept trying to make it interesting by asking questions, she had low energy and she just decided to leave mid interview.
Watch The Full Blac Chynal Interview Below: