Doja Cat Cancelled for using the N word in a chatroom with Caucasian men

Fans come for Doja Cat and are appalled by her behavior on a chatroom with Caucasian. They proceed on to say that she is or rather has to be cancelled. Most fans feel that she was demeaning her own people for the acceptance and approval of the Caucasian men.
First, fans discovered Doja Cat’s involvement in the Tiny Chat community after videos emerged of her in a group discussion with mostly white men. This is what started the digging of her pasts involvements is saying racist slurs against her own race.
It is also believed that Doja made fun of the 2015 murder of Sandra Bland, who suspiciously died while in police custody.
The post was captioned:
“#DojaIsOverParty is trending as fans aim to “cancel” #DojaCat. Video has surfaced of Doja engaging in a chatroom with Caucasian men in which she uses the N word, and fans aren’t here for it. Thoughts?”