
Cardi B Reveals Why She Hasn’t Dropped New Music!

Cardi B Reveals Why She Hasn’t Dropped New Music!Award winning female rapper Cardi B went on Twitter rant sharing big facts about her music career and her legal status to the public. She always shared why she has not been releasing new music.

Cardi B took to her Twitter account to adress certain opinions which her fans were having about her career, in the way she is running her music career. The female rapper was transparent with her followers and adressed the various comments. She explained the situation with her label status and why she is not forcefully releasing music.

Cardi confiremd what her fan tweeted about, in terms of why she is not releasing music now to make money. The fan by the name @Rated R made it clear that she does not have any record label obligations. She also explained about Cardi’s litigation status, Tated R wrote ” She’s not releasing cus she doesnt have to iop is still charting.”

Another Twiter user asked her about her management team and the rapper explained that she does not have amangaemt team and that her lawyers deal with everything. Tweeps have also been curious on how Cardi is handling her money during the pandemic, she shared that she had saved money for ‘rainy days’ such as the pandemic.

Since there has been management drama between with Cardi’s husband Offset and the record label Quality Control. The female rapper had to clear the air about her managemnet situation and just share infromation with her curious fans and followers.

The ‘Money’ rapper is not planning to focerfully release money and does not have a manager that pushes her to release like other artists do. Her Twitter rant explained things such

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