J Cole Opens Up About Being A Father Of 2 Sons

J Cole Opens Up About Being A Father Of 2 Sons. J Cole has been very private about his family and personal life. He is now finally opening up about fatherhood in a letter he has recently released. In the letter he looks back at his career and opens up about having two sons.
J Cole release a letter for ‘The Players Tribune’, the letter is 3500 words long and is titled ‘The Audacity’. In the letter he opens up and reveals for the first time that he has two sons, The rapper wrote “Four years have passed in that time I’ve been blessed with two sons”, he reflected in the moments while looking back at the year 2016 and his album “4 Your Eyez Only’.
Cole further shared “learned the delicate art of balance between parenthood and career”. The rapper has been focused on being a father to his 2 sons and also mainataining his music carrer over the past 4 years. The age and names of his children has not yet been publicly revealed as he only started openly talking about the last year.
The rapper confirmed that his wife Melisaa Heholt welcomed their fist child on his two songs ‘She’s Mine Pt, 1″ and ‘She’s Mine Pt. 2’. His fans had assumed he had a daughter, and were later confused when i was announced that he had a son.
The ‘No Role Modelz’ rapper aslo confirmed in last years “Revenge Of The Dreamers III” that he had a second child on the way. The rapper raps ‘She gave me the gift of my son, and plus we got one on the way”, he shares this in asong called ‘Sacfrifices’ here he shares how grateful he is thatbhis wife gave him a family to love.
In Coles letter he reveals many things, he shared that he is thinking of retiremnt and that he will also release his upcoming album which is titled “The Fall Off”. The album has been delayted due to the Covid 19 pandemic.