Big Sean Opens Up About Contemplating Suicide On Several Occasions.

Big Sean Opens Up About Contemplating Suicide On Several Occasions! Veteran Hip Hop recording artist Big Sean has been quite open when it comes to dealing with depression and anxiety. The artist has gone public about his mental health struggles over the last couple of years. The Detroit 2 hit-maker even admitted that he contemplated taking his own life on several occasions – sometimes with a gun in his hand. Sean addressed his inner battles during an appearance on Michael Eric Dyson’s One Question One Mike series on Facebook Watch

“I for sure contemplated suicide a lot of times, having guns in my hand, feeling it for real … planning it out to the point where I said, ‘Hey, if I do kill myself, at least my family will get this amount of money. I did this already,’” he said. “Because I was just stressed out and not happy. I realized that OK, I need to stop everything I’m doing and figure this out or I’m going to self-destruct.”
In a separate interview with the CBC, Big Sean admitted that he even got to the point where he had a gun in his hand.
“When I say I had a Glock 17 in my hand, I really did. I don’t know why I was feeling like that, but I couldn’t stop feeling like it. It was deep,” he said.
Sean further told Dyson that he managed to get back on the right track by taking some time away from work. The move allowed, him to find some time to work on himself as well as his own happiness.
“I took the time off, canceled everything I was doing, sought therapy, connected with God more, spiritually grounded myself, and put myself first as a priority for the first time ever,” he said.
Check out the interview below;